Legisation legal issues
Legal Impact on media When producing digital media , there is a wide range of legislation that affects the production Some of these are acts of law Some of these are legal issues freedom of information act , defamation law (slander and libel) , data protection act , intellectual property act , copyright design and patents act 1988, human rights act HUMAN rights act - they are the value that keep everyone of us fair just and legal they are protected by a law and some people want to get rid of legal rights European convention of human rights Data protection act - a UK based law and every company has to follow 8 key principles as UK companies have to process and store your data fairly and securely by law your data has to be kept accurately and should be for the reason it was collected and as long as needed , should be processed within the UK and should be made available to the data subject and there are websites where I can report if your data has been used...