

 The evaluation Question  Is not theory based  Required you to use technical media terminology Does not require waffle or academic writing  Requires you to apply your knowledge to practical briefs and setting  EVALUATION QUESTION it will be the last question 2 the examiner expects 2 pages - overall it should be minimum four paragraphs  will make up around a quarter of the marks 20/80  The evaluation  could test you on any creative OR logistic documents  essentially asking you why doing that piece of paperwork would be help ful or unhelpful for that project  is not theory based required required applications of knowledge to practical briefs and setting there must be some evaluation - discussion 


 Proposal , pitch, project outline and treatments  Concept art  Flat plans  Wireframes  Mockups Prototypes Proposal Pitch  Project outlines  Treaments What could I be asked to design? These are the most popular Storyboard  Sitemap  Mindmap Visualisation diagram Call sheet  Wireframe Script Mock up Project management tool Gantt chat  So what is concept art a type of illustrations used to convey an idea  Flat plan / wire frame A 2D drawing which represents how all elements are laid out in a print or web based text Allows the designer to see if proportions of each element are correct and if all required elements are included Detail of each aspect is not included - purely a layout tool with each element simple and labelled. Can be used to plan the layout of a studio, set or other physical space Must be quick and easy to modify so that layout changes can be made with minimal fuss  MOCK UP  to flat plans & wireframe...


 TYPES OF RESEARCH PRIMARY collecting new data through direct contact with people through interviews , focuses group and survey  SECONDARY relies on existing data and information published on the internet , magazines or other reliable sources  TYPES OF DATA  Quantitative , data  that is easily quantified and therefore easy to analyse and measure  Answers tend to be short and limited  Question seek out closed response  Examples  1 closed questions 2 surveys  3 page traffic  Qualitative data that is difficult to quantify and therefore takes longer to analyse  Answers are more detailed and better in quality  Question are open ended  Examples 1 observation 2 open question  3 case studies  MARKET AND AUDIENCE RESEARCH market research is an effort to gather information about target markets and audiences  It is a very important part of any media company's business strategy. market research helps them identify ...


 Definition : complex process of organising resources for production - ensuring all personnel , props , equipment and locations are in right place at right time , especially on big productions like a major film , which will also involve doing recce. Poor planning leads to high costs  This includes getting :  Personnel and hiring  Props  Production equipment Locations  Transportation Care of location ( feeding )  The production company must not only get the resources , but they need them for the right time and for the best value possible  What logistical issues might arise on a major production like Black panther   Logistics document Daily planner/call sheet  These are used each day on production  Ensures everyone on set knows what the goals for the day are , where they're based , when they're required to be there and what each individual role is  Helpful because it clarifies goals for day in one , simple sheet which can be circ...

Project management

 Definition  Project management in media is the role of ensuring all aspects of a given production run smoothly by overseeing a number of people and departments  The project manager must ensure that deadlines are met and the brief is followed by liasing with others and holding them to account  Activity what kind of skills and traits does a project manager need  Communication  Leadership  Risk management  Problem solving  Organisation  Time management  Negotiations  Critical thinking  Analytical  Budgeting  Production schedule  The best way to manage media project is to create a production schedule . This brings together logistic and resource details and includes all tasks milestones and the time - scales and deadline and allows the tracking of progress  This is shared with all members of the production team and contains details of the initial proposal , key milestones agreed with the client as well as f...

Target audience

 Media production companies spend a lot of money correctly defining and identifying their audience for a product- why do they do that ?  If this is not done properly it will not be successful  To do this , they profile the audience by looking at different demographic factors that come together to create a picture of the actual target audience for the product  Audience demographic  Socio economic - social and economic situation ( spending power )  Age  Gender  Ethnic groups  Psychographics - personality traits and interest  Goedemographics - local geographic and cultural impact  sexual orientation  mainstream  niche  Psychographic  Mainstream - the largest group of people . Tend to be conventional and conformist of today's society . They tend to follow the latest trends . They seek security  Aspirers - materialistic and geared toward image and appearance . Typically younger people as there is emphasis on pers...